The Blessing of the Carrots

By Lynne Plunkett One of Judaism’s many wonderful features is that it has a blessing for just about everything. No matter how mundane the task, God’s presence and sovereignty is acknowledged – Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha olam... (fill in the blank). Which brings me to my carrots. You see, I do not know if there is a blessing for carrots. If [...]

2018-10-19T19:43:09-04:00Categories: Sons and Daughters|

Summer of 1911

By Deborah Galiley Last week, I was looking through the shelves in my local library’s 6x6 cubicle of a bookstore, when a certain volume caught my eye. It was a book entitled The Perfect Summer, by Juliet Nicolson, which is a historical re-telling of England in the summer of 1911, just before World War I swept in like a flood. “This looks timely,” [...]

2018-10-19T19:43:23-04:00Categories: Sons and Daughters|

Shavu’ot and the Holy Spirit

My dear friend Devorah has gone on to be the Lord. However I thank God for giving me this wonderful friend full of wisdom and talent if only for a short season. It is my joy to share a note she sent to me years ago on her revelation of Shavu’ot.Shavu’ot and the Holy Spiritby DevorahTurning to Acts 2, we see the mishpocha gathered [...]

2015-08-14T20:46:01-04:00Categories: Sons and Daughters|

Myrtle… beauty for ashes

By Lauri Wong It's such a delight when God gives us pictures of what He is doing in our lives. Several years ago, God led a Jewish gentleman from our business to give me 5 crepe myrtle bushes. There was a patch in my garden where I had planted a few "Jacob's Ladder" hybrid tea roses. They had failed to flourish and died, [...]

2018-10-19T19:41:49-04:00Categories: Sons and Daughters|


(God is in the Details) by Lynne Plunkett As a new believer, I used to think you only prayed to God for the “big stuff”, but you didn’t bother Him with the minutiae of day-to-day life. He was, after all, Creator of the Universe, and could not possibly be interested in, say, whether I had a flat tire, or it rained during a [...]

2018-10-19T19:43:36-04:00Categories: Sons and Daughters|


I grew up in a conservative Jewish home on Long Island. In the mid 1980s, after graduating from college, I moved to Los Angeles. I started attending a Baptist church with a boyfriend and got saved two months later! A trip to a Billy Graham crusade in Anaheim, California two weeks after that set me on course to reading scripture and being grounded in [...]

2015-08-14T20:46:32-04:00Categories: Sons and Daughters|

BIO – Deborah Galiley

DEBORAH GALILEY, also the author of Polished Arrows and Yohana, grew up in a Conservative Jewish home on Long Island. After coming to faith in Yeshua in Los Angeles as a young adult, she met and married Steve, moved to central New York, and has been rebbetzin to his rabbi ever since. She is also a mother of five, percussionist, bread baker, youth group [...]

2017-02-06T16:27:22-05:00Categories: Sons and Daughters|
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