What is a Shabbat Fellowship?

My journey to Shabbat...One in Messiah Ministries started out as an Internet newsletter. Which, by the way, was a real stretch for me since I was computer illiterate. I would travel to various conferences, and when I heard a teaching about Hebraic Roots, or God’s Heart for Israel, or the Jewish people that I felt was important for the whole body, I would ask [...]

2018-11-30T18:40:20-05:00Categories: Shabbat|

God never changed the Sabbath Day

by Sid Roth God never changed the day for the Sabbath (in Hebrew, Shabbat). The biblical Sabbath begins at sundown on Friday and ends at sundown on Saturday. Many of the early church leaders who originally changed the observance of the Sabbath day to Sunday were anti-Semitic. Justin Martyr, early in the second century, in his dialog with Trypho the Jew said, “It was [...]

2015-08-14T18:40:12-04:00Categories: Shabbat|

A call to Sabbath

By Hadasah, (Mark 2:27-27 NASB) Jesus said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.” Have you ever pondered this scripture? What point was Jesus trying to get across? Initially I understood that Jesus was making the point of how far these leaders had come from God’s [...]

2018-11-16T20:49:03-05:00Categories: Shabbat|
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