Years ago, the Blood was central to all we prayed. Pleading the Blood was a way of life. I am not sure how that understanding moved from the forefront of our focus. I found as I researched, many authors pointed back to the great revivals and the importance of the Blood. Billye Brim’s book, “The Blood and the Glory”, is full of wonderful accounts of the power of the Blood. She makes this powerful statement. “Every outpouring of the Holy Spirit was and will be in answer to the Blood of Jesus the Messiah. The Old Testament typifies this when the priest applied the Blood first and then the oil. Oil is a type of the Holy Spirit (Leviticus 14: 14-17)”.

We are waiting for the greatest outpouring of all times. We are approaching the time of the Harvest. I believe we need a renewed revelation deep in our spirits of the power of the Blood. I am hearing from other believers that they are being prompted by the Holy Spirit to dig deeper and gain revelatory understanding.

Passover is about the Blood. It is a picture of its protection; its power, and of the ultimate sacrifice in Yeshua, the Passover Lamb. Putting the blood on the lintel and the doorposts protected them from death, and there was not one sick or feeble among them. As this is the Passover season, it seemed appropriate to share my findings with you at this time.

This is an article to ponder. I am going to present facts and viewpoints. I trust the Holy Spirit will reveal to you what you need to gain in your understanding of the Blood.

The following concept I paraphrased from the thoughts of Dr. William Standish Reed, as quoted in H.A. Maxwell Whyte’s book, “The Power of the Blood”. Prior to reading Whyte’s book, my understanding was that it was Mary’s ovum that made Yeshua all Man, and God’s spiritual spermatozoon that made Him God in the flesh. I believe this concept generates from Genesis 3:15. When I went to Genesis 3:15, where it talks about the enmity of Satan with the “seed” of the woman, the word seed there means posterity. Mary carried the child. He was her offspring, but it does not necessarily mean Yeshua was created from her ovum. Dr. Reed sheds another light on the subject. Consider the following.

In the natural, when the female ovum and the male spermatozoon come together, life is formed. The blood cells formed in this new creation come from both father and mother. However, if Yeshua had come from Mary’s ovum, He would be tainted with the Adamic sin contained within her. He would not be sinless, and therefore, an imperfect sacrifice.

What God did was prepare a body in Mary’s womb (see Hebrews 10:5). Yeshua later called that body the Temple of God. His body was in Mary’s womb, but His life came from the Father by the Holy Spirit. The lifeblood that flowed in His veins was directly from God. It was perfect in every way. He shed His perfect precious blood to redeem mankind.

In the natural, when our blood flows through our body, it removes waste material. When we accept Yeshua, we are cleansed from the sin in our blood (OUR LIFE). Our heart now given over to Yeshua pumps the clean blood of the final Sacrificial Lamb. The sin in our bloodstream is purged and spiritual filth is washed out. We are truly “washed in the Blood of the Lamb.” The very life of God is flowing through our body. Whyte puts it this way. “Life itself is spiritual but it must have a physical carrier, and this carrier is the blood.” He goes on to say that the blood has the capacity to carry the Life of God. The contact between the divine and the human rests in the bloodstream. The blood contains the life of God.

The natural characteristics and functions of the blood give us great spiritual insight as to its power in our lives. Our blood is the central life supply to each of our body’s cells. Each cell receives new blood every 50 seconds. The Blood of Yeshua generates within us new life minute by minute. Our blood regulates our body temperature and keeps us from growing cold. Likewise, the Blood of Yeshua keeps us from growing cold to the things of God. Our blood is a source of energy to our natural body. The Blood of Yeshua energizes the Word of God in our life. We can enter boldly into the throne room of God through the shed Blood of Yeshua (Hebrews 10:19). In high-pressure situations, our blood sends the necessary hormones and adrenaline to muscles that help us. In spiritual crises, the Blood of Yeshua destroys the work of Satan. “They overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb…” (Revelation 12:11). Tiny microbes in our blood constantly attack sickness and weakness. The Blood of Yeshua has power over sickness and death. One of the important properties of blood is its ability to coagulate, which means to bring together. Without that function, we can bleed to death if we are wounded.

Colossians 1:20 reads, “…having made peace through the Blood of His Cross, by Him to reconcile all things unto Himself.” The word reconcile in this scripture means to bring together. We are reconciled to the Father by the Blood, and we are reconciled to each other by the Blood.

This same vein is expressed in Ephesians 2:15, 16. “Having abolished in His flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances: for to make in Himself of twain one new man so making peace. And that He might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross having slain the enmity thereby.”

I have only touched on a few properties, but I think it is very clear that the Blood is central to both our lives with God, and each other.

The importance of the Shedding of Blood for the atonement of sin is first shown to us in the Garden of Eden. It was here, first, that God sacrificed the innocent blood of the animals to give Adam and Eve a covering. They were no longer covered by the glory of God because of their sin of disobedience. God covered their nakedness with the skins of animals. In Leviticus 17:11, the Lord makes it clear that the blood atones for our sin. “For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls: it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.”

It was the shed Blood of Yeshua that covered our sin. Let’s take a look at the scene at Calvary, as portrayed by Maxwell Whyte.

“It is doubtful that the Romans left Jesus even the courtesy of a loin cloth. He became as the first Adam in the garden, that He might cover His own nakedness with His own precious Blood.”

“The crown of thorns was then put upon His head, not gently but roughly; many thorns (maybe a dozen or more), one and a half inches long, jabbed into His scalp, producing such serious wounds that trickles of blood spurted out and ran into His hair and beard.”

“The spikes were driven into the palms of His hands, and His blood coursed down His arms and sides. (Later the spear was thrust into His side and His blood spilled out and ran down the sides of the cross onto the ground beneath.) Spikes were also driven through His feet and more blood ran down the sides of the cross on behalf of the sins of the whole world. Those that looked on Him saw only blood. His back was lacerated from the thirty-nine stripes, and was covered with His own blood. Even the cross was covered with blood, and the very earth was soaked. Every type of atonement was fulfilled in Christ.”

When Yeshua died upon the cross, His own blood was shed and sprinkled by Himself as God’s High Priest. He was crucified at the time of the Feast of the Passover, the feast the Jews keep to remember the time when God said, ‘When I see the blood I will pass over you’ (Exodus 12:23). When Yeshua was bearing the sins of the world in His body on the cross, the Father could not look at His Son. It was not possible for the Father to look upon Him until Yeshua had covered His own body with His blood. After it was accomplished, the Father did not look on our sin, but on His Son’s blood. His Son had offered His life and His blood for all mankind. The Father had respect unto the offering, and our redemption was made complete.

The precious blood of our Savior is our covenant with our Heavenly Father. In the Scarlet Thread, author Richard Booker defines covenant for us: “The Hebrew word for covenant is b’rit, the Greek word diatheke. Both words mean to ‘cut covenant’, which is an agreement to ‘cut a covenant by the shedding of blood and walking between pieces of flesh’.”

A blood covenant is the closest, most enduring, most solemn, and most sacred of all contracts. It cannot be broken. It is a promise to give your life for one another.

Read the story in Genesis 17:9,10. “And God said unto Abraham , Thou shalt keep my covenant therefore , thou and thy seed after thee in their generations. This is my covenant, which ye shall keep between me and you and thy seed after thee, Every man child among you shall be circumcised.” God spoke to Abraham about making a covenant, the foundation of which was shedding blood. The legal grounds for all of Heaven’s provisions came through a covenant cut with shed blood. With the death of Yeshua and our acceptance of His act of love for the atonement of our sins, the covenant becomes a circumcision of the heart. God now replaces our hearts of stone with hearts of flesh. He writes His Laws on our hearts. We become the sons of God and joint heirs with Yeshua, the Author and Finisher of our faith.

The power of the Blood is clear. It answers to all the power of the enemy, and it cancels his assignments against us. It satisfies God’s requirements and allows us free access to the throne room. It protects us and enables us for all the work God sets before us.

Barbara Urban states it beautifully in her book, “The Dance of the Shulamite”.

“By choosing to hear the blood, living by its life-giving pronouncements, the other voices in our lives are systematically silenced; for the blood silences them, literally warring on our behalf. The blood is ever faithful to declare us not guilty when the other voices in our lives condemn us, but we must release its voice by faith, not drawing back in unbelief; for there is no other sacrifice that can be made. It is therefore imperative that His Life blood be appropriated to every area of our lives, as it is our only provision for coming in closer to the Beloved. Because the blood has the power to deliver us from our bondages, it also has the power to gird us up for the war against our enemies; for it is the voice of His blood which leads us into war and victoriously out of war. This girding up for war is the authority that the blood brings to our lives in Christ Jesus’ consequently, the speaking voice of the blood is our empowerment for triumph over our enemies and for the exploits to which we have been called to do in Christ Jesus. The blood of Christ Jesus is unequivocally the lethal weapon which destroys our enemies. It has the last word on all spiritual debates, and no testimony can strand against its voice when it has been activated by the proclamation of faith spoken by those who rally behind it.”

I encourage you to go to the resources at the end of this article. There is so much more to learn. Learn how to plead the blood, and hear the stories of encouragement of those that know how to use the wonderful weapon God has given us.

As this Passover season ends, may we all receive a fresh revelation of the Blood of the Lamb and the Love of the Father.

Recommended Reading

The Power of the Blood – H.A. Maxwell Whyte
The Power of the Blood: a Physician’s Analysis – Marilyn Hickey
The Miracle of the Scarlet Thread – Richard Booker
The Blood – Benny Hinn
The Blood and the Glory – Billye Brim
The Dance of the Shulamite – Barbara Urban