My dear friend Devorah has gone on to be the Lord. However I thank God for giving me this wonderful friend full of wisdom and talent if only for a short season. It is my joy to share a note she sent to me years ago on her revelation of Shavu’ot.

Shavu’ot and the Holy Spirit
by Devorah

Turning to Acts 2, we see the mishpocha gathered for Shavuot-50 days after Passover, waiting in Jerusalem as instructed for the Power of G-d to come…even though none of them knew exactly what that would look like. Shavuot was the time of the giving of Torah…now a new dimension would appear. in verses 2-4 there is an unusual manifestation ….rushing violent wind, tongues of fire coming inside of the beloved who were gathered that day…new tongues speaking thru them and a new release of power surged. Is this the first time we see this kind of power? Let’s take a look at some clues in Exodus 14….the children of Israel (B’nai Yisrael) are coming upon the Red Sea, Pharaoh is in pursuit behind them. By night they are protected by the pillar of fire placed between them. Moses cries out to G-d and the L-rd says in 14:15-“Why do you cry to Me? Tell the people of Israel to go forward…Lift up your rod and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it and the Israelites shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea……..v21-Moses stretches out his hand and the L-rd causes the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night……Let’s think about these two manifestations. What would that violent wind sound like blowing all night to move and divide the sea in half….and how big was that pillar of fire that separated Pharaoh’s army….. HaShem used both of these symbols, which was a physical sign of His Power to both the Egyptians and the children of Israel. Now, just after the death of the Messiah, He would move those great manifestations inside the believers….all that violent wind and fire would overtake us and fill us on the inside to carry the grace/love/power/testimony of G-d so that we could live out our lives bringing that perpetual demonstration to everyone!